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Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Lowongan Drafter Di Perusahaan Konstruksi

Sebuah perusahaan konstruksi yang berlokasi di Jakarta membutuhkan drafter, dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:
  1. Pria (belum menikah)
  2. Pendidikan minimal STM (diutamakan lulusan STM Pembangunan)
  3. Menguasai AutoCad
  4. Berpengalaman di bidang sipil, arsitektur & interior
  5. Berpengalaman dan bersedia menjadi pengawas lapangan
  6. Menguasai detail/gambar bidang sipil, arsitektur & interior
  7. Proaktif, komunikatif dan mau mengembangkan diri
  8. Status pegawai tetap (masa percobaan maksimal 6 bulan)
  9. Mempunyai kendaraan bermotor sendiri
  10. Tinggal di daerah kayu putih/klp gading/rawamangun dan sekitarnya (domisili: wilayah Jakarta timur).
Mohon lamaran lengkap dilampirkan dengan contoh karya dan gaji yang diharapkan. Silakan di kirimkan ke alamat email: webdal@cbn.net.id.

Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi syarat yang akan direspon.

Batas akhir pengiriman CV dan Resume : 30 juni 2011.

Monday, 20 June 2011

Lowongan Drafter Di PT. RACONINDO

PT.RACONINDO is a Porta Camp Fabrication company located in Cakung , Jakarta Timur and we present a wonderful opportunity for the position of a drafter. The candidate will be working on projects for both International and local clients and should have the drive , motivation to work under pressure within a team environment.

  1. Minimum Education STM / SMA or D3, preferably with a background in Fabrication / Mechanical Engineering.
  2. Experience as a minimum of 1-2 years Drafter / Autocad 2D/3D . Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply.
  3. Communicative, can work in teams, independent, responsive, nimble and thorough
  4. English language ability.

For those interested, please send your application file by email to the address: production@raconindo.com

OR can directly come to bring your resume to the address Jl. Rorotan Babek TNI No 2 -3 , Cakung Timur , Jakarta 13910 , INDONESIA. tel.021 – 46820071 , 46820087

Please include a phone number that can be in contact.

Registration deadline: June 30, 2011

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Lowongan Drafter Di PT. Trans Asia Consultants

PT. Trans Asia Consultants adalah sebuah perusahaan konsultan teknik, membutuhkan segera drafter dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :

1. Berpengalaman mengerjakan gambar detail design bangunan.
2. Dapat bekerja sesuai jadwal.
3. Menguasai AutoCad & program lainnya.

Kirim lamaran, daftar riwayat hidup, dan contoh gambar yang pernah dibuat ke hrd@tac.co.id atau hrd_tac@ymail.com.

Batas waktu lowongan 17 Juni 2011.


PT. ALADIN SAKTI METAL ENGINEERING adalah Perusahaan Fabrikasi Boiler & Mesin yang berlokasi di Dadap, Tangerang, membutuhkan seorang drafter dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :
  1. Pendidikan Minimum STM / SMA atau D3, lebih disukai yang berlatar belakang Teknik Mesin.
  2. Berpengalaman sebagai Drafter minimum 1-2 tahun/ freshgraduate & menguasai Autocad 2D/3D.
  3. Komunikatif, dapat bekerja dalam tim, mandiri, tanggap, cekatan dan teliti

Bagi yang berminat, harap mengirimkan berkas lamaran melalui email ke alamat : marjaw@cbn.net.id

ATAU bisa langsung datang membawa surat lamaran ke alamat Jl. Raya Perancis Kompleks Pergudangan 75, Blok. D No. 5A ( Dadap _ Tanggerang ) dengan telp. 021- 5500 564

Harap mencantumkan nomor telepon yang bisa di hubungi.

Batas akhir pendaftaran : 22 Juni 2011

Lowongan Drafter Di PT. Disamting Pratama

PT. Disamting Pratama is an Authorized Value Added Reseller of DS SolidWorks Corp In Indonesia. Since our business started in 2008.

We focus on providing industry solutions to companies to help them design better products. With our company’s expertise and strong support, we help costumers to simplify and shorten design cycle, bringing greater value and savings the company. Challenging careers and satisfying compensation including salary, allowance and benefits are provided for successful candidates to fill the following position at our company in Batam island.We have costumer in Oil and Gas Industry need candidate to fulfill the position below :

Drafter ( D – 10 person )
Technical Support ( TS – 2 Person )

Qualifications :

1. Min Diploma or S1 graduates from mechanical /Siskal (D,TS)
2. Minimum GPA 2.8 (D,TS)
3. Familiar and able to design with 3D SolidWorks, Catia. (D,TS)
4. Understad about FEA and CFD method and have knowledge use Software Simulation.(TS)
5. Able to Speak in English both oral and written.(D,TS)
6. Able to read drawing and have analytical skill.(D,TS)
7. Have good personality and able to work under pressure.(D,TS)
8. Willing to be stationed in Batam (D,TS)
9. Able to contract 1 Year. (D,TS)

Interested applications please submit and email your application letter attached with recent photograph, full resumes, copy
of educational certificates and transcript, copy of sample project that designing in 3D software Start from June 9, 2011 within 2
weeks from this vacancy publish to :

Human Resources Department
PT Disamting Pratama
Komplek Taman Niaga Blok N no 6
Sukajadi, Batam Center.

email to : ari@disamtingpratama.com

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Lowongan Drafter Di Studio Arsitektur-Interior di Jakarta

Sebuah Studio Arsitektur-Interior di Jakarta Selatan, membutuhkan drafter dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :
  1. Menguasai AutoCad
  2. Berpengalaman di bidang arsitektur/interior
  3. Menguasai detail/gambar bidang arsitektur/interior
Lamaran lengkap dilampiri dengan contoh karya, di kirim ke alamat email : career@design-platform.com

Batas akhir pendaftaran : 20 Juni 2011
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